High street accelerator - Stepney area

The Stepney area of Beverley Road is one of 10 national pilots for High Street Accelerator status.

The project is supported up until March 2025 by revenue funding available from the government and the recently announced green funding to improve green spaces around the high street to deliver a vision for change in the area and to reinvigorate the high street. What this change looks like is up to the local community and we launched our survey between 20 May 2024 and 16th June to better understand the issues which the community felt needed to be prioritised.

The results of the survey

Thank you to those who have taken part in the first round of research to help us understand the real issues affecting high street users and what you think the area needs to make it a better place to -

  • live
  • work
  • play
  • shop

The main issues that you said you would like the Partnership to address were -

Tackling anti social behaviour and street drinking icon Clean, green, attractive and litter free iconTaking back Sculcoats park iconImproving sense of safety icon

Celebrating culture and communityImproving cycling links iconCreating an area that attracts businesses and people icon

You told us the top 5 things that would have the greatest impact on improving the Stepney area and creating a good high street where people want to live work and shop are - 

1. Clean tidy and free of litter graffiti and fly tipping. 69%. 2. Low levels of crime and antisocial behaviour. 49%. 3. Low levels of street drinking. 41%. 4. The condition and appearance of buildings. 34%. 5. Attracting a rang of shops and services. 33%

The top 5 ranking green space improvments are -

Point 1. Trees 48 percent. Point 2. Green rood, bee and butterfly highway forty percent. Point 3. Sculcoates park ground improvements. 39 percent. Point four. High street planters. 38 percent. Point five. Park safety. 37 percent.

The 5 words which the public felt best described the vision for the Stepney area were - 

Point one. Safe. 61 percent.
Point 2 attractive 55 percent.
Point 3. Welcoming. 47 percent.
point 4. Green. 37 percent.
Community. 36 percent.

What this would look like

The Partnership has worked with our High Street expert to turn your responses, issues and goals into change that can be delivered and work towards a long-term vision for the area.

We will now start to take action on the issues that the community have identified as priorities for the area. These will be developed in line with the vision and summary document.

You can read the full summary report, but below are some highlights.

The Partnership will work with Hull City Council and partner agencies to -

  • tackle antisocial-behaviour and street drinking on the high street 
  • undertake regular patch walks around the area
  • encourage education (and where appropriate) enforce the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to tackle antisocial behaviour-related street drinking. You can find out more about the PSPO.

Sculcoates Park improvements

Working with a Landscape Architect and the local community, the Partnership aims to bring new purpose to Sculcoates Park, which could include -

  • greenspace improvements
  • new planting
  • an entertainment space
  • new and improved play equipment
  • developing an action plan to tackle drinking and antisocial behaviour in the park
  • improving safety

The Partnership are keen to learn how local residents want to use the park and its facilities in the future. Further engagement will take place in the coming months and we will be inviting you to get involved again and have your say.


The recent survey recognised the rich culture that underpins the identity of the Stepney area. Through this, the Partnership hopes to -

  • look at opportunities to embrace our cultural richness through planting and community events
  • trial and test a number of multicultural food events


The existing cycling network runs through the former Stepney rail track, with links through nearby Pearson Park and high street cycle lanes. The Partnership will -

  • consider options to improve access to the high street and introduce new cycle stands, enabling cyclists to better access the high street
  • work with partner agencies to educate and tackle cycling on pavements

Attracting businesses

Creating an area that attracts businesses and people is the key to the success of the High Street Accelerator Programme. This will not happen overnight, but through the activities and action detailed above, the Partnership aims to -

  • raise the profile and perception of the Stepney area
  • work with owners to understand their plans for vacant properties and options to improve their own frontages in the shorter term
  • create a schedule of activities to encourage footfall and dwell time
  • create a ‘Keep Stepney Tidy’ campaign
  • create a strong business community through the establishment of a Business Forum to support local businesses on the high street, create better networks and promote Stepney as an attractive location for new business ventures
  • create a friends group to support the redevelopment and wider use of Sculcoates Park
  • create a long term plan to continue improving the area, potentially extending beyond the scope of the project

Successes of the project so far

Action week

‘Action Week’ saw work to improve street edging and gulley cleaning, undertaken by the Love Your Street Team, the removal of graffiti, and skips for rubbish throughout the area, removing an astonishing 47 tonnes of waste, litter, and unwanted household items.

The development of our Community-led Partnership

The Partnership are working well and have continued to increase their membership, ensuring that the project continues to be community led. See our getting involved page for ways that you can join the Partnership, litter picks or other activities.

Community Engagement Survey

We undertook a public survey between 20th May and 16th June 2024 to ensure that any plans reflected the need of those that live, work, play and shop in the area. This has helped us to shape the priorities and feed this information into the Delivery Plan, which includes short-, medium- and long-term goals to improve the area, shaped by the views provided by the community.

Other activity

You will soon be able to see us out and about doing more regular litter picks in the High Street with the help of our volunteers.