Children's and families feedback

The complaints which the Local Authority receive generally fall within 2 categories. To avoid any confusion, we aim to guide you to the right process.
Corporate complaints would usually include -

  • EHCP assessments
  • SEN home to school transport
  • Early Help or Early Years processes

Processes and procedures

Statutory Childrens Act complaints would usually be made by the child or young person. Or those people with parental responsibility by parents, special guardians or foster carers. They would mainly include concerns such as -

  • how decisions were made or a delay in dealing with your problem or providing a service
  • an unwelcome or disputed decision
  • concerns about quality or appropriateness of a service
  • delay in decision-making or provision of services
  • delivery or non - delivery of services
  • quantity, frequency or change in service
  • attitude or behaviour of staff
  • application of eligibility and assessment criteria
  • impact on a child or young person of application of a local authority policy
  • assessments, care management and reviews

If you are a young person under the age of 18, you can also contact the National Youth Advocacy Service to ask for an advocate. This is an individual who is independent and does not work for children's social care. They will put your views across to those who support you and try to improve things for you. The complaints service can make this referral for you if you contact us.

Making a complaint

If you feel comfortable doing so, you should tell the people providing the service about your concerns. This is so they have a chance to put things right. This is often the quickest and best way for us to put things right. Contact us if you are not able to do so or if you have spoken to the team and they have not been able to resolve your concerns. Making a complaint does not affect your right to receive our services.

You can contact us -

The Children’s Complaint Team
79 Lowgate

A leaflet is available to download which you can print, complete and send to us. Note that our leaflets are currently under review and development.
A leaflet for children and young people and one for families and carers can also be found on our downloads page.

Give us your feedback (opens in a new window)

There are some complaints that we have to look at through different procedures. These can include -

  • requests for services, for example referrals to children's social care
  • requests for information on Council policy or practice
  • requests for explanations of Council policy or practice
  • matters for which there is a right of appeal

For concerns about the above procedures (opens in a new window)

What complaints cannot be made about

Where the following are intended, or are already in progress -

  • court or tribunal proceedings
  • disciplinary proceedings
  • criminal investigations or proceedings

Other examples of when we are not able to consider your complaint -

  • a decision that has not yet been made
  • if you continue to complain about the same issue which has already been investigated fully
  • it has been investigated by the local government ombudsman
  • if you became aware of the issue over a year ago
  • the complaint relates to decisions or actions of another department. For example, the police or the courts

The 3 stage statutory complaints procedure

Stage one

Your concerns will be passed to the managers of the team that are working with you. Following investigation, the manager will write to you to tell you about what they have found and what action has been taken.

  • if we cannot respond immediately, we will send an acknowledgement within 5 working days. We will tell you who is dealing with your complaint. We give a timescale for response
  • we will respond to you within 20 working days, or if we are unable to do so will explain why
  • if we have made a mistake, we will take action to put things right

Stage 2

If you are not satisfied with the outcome at stage one, you can ask that we consider your complaint at stage 2 of the complaint's procedure -

  • your complaint will be considered by 2 people independent of the council. They will investigate your concerns and then write a report of their findings
  • the report will be passed on to a senior manager in children's social care. They will consider your complaint along with the findings of the independent officers. The senior manager will then write to you with their response

Stage 3

If you have been through stages one and 2 and remain unhappy with the way your complaint was dealt with, you can ask for your complaint to be considered by a review panel.

  • the stage 3 review panel will consider whether the stage 2 investigation was carried out adequately. It will focus on achieving resolution
  • the review panel will not re-investigate your complaint. It will reconsider the information that is offered

Mind of My Own app

Are you in care or do you have a social worker? The free Mind Of My Own app is an easy way for you to tell your worker, or another adult that is working with you, what you are thinking and get things off your chest. You can use it -

  • before a meeting
  • to ask for a change
  • to get a problem sorted

Many young people across the country have found it really helpful to get their views heard. You can talk to one of your workers for support with downloading the app if you like.

The Mind of My Own is quick and easy to use at any time of the day -

Download the app or visit the link below and log into your account or sign up if you do not already have an account. You can sign up independently or with a worker. To register you will need an email address. If you do not have one, speak to your worker. They will support you to use Mind of My Own -

  • choose your situation from the list of different options available to comment on
  • answer the questions and add your own comments
  • select whoever you would like your comments to be sent to
  • your comments will be sent to your chosen worker. Your worker will then be in touch with you

More information is available on Mind Of My Own.