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Before a death can be registered
From Monday 9 September 2024 changes in legislation mean that when someone dies details of their death must be referred to a Medical Examiner before the death can be registered.
Medical Examiners are senior doctors who will review medical records. They work with a doctor, to ensure the accurate completion of a death certificate to provide the medical cause of death.
A doctor from the GP Practice who has seen the deceased in their lifetime should refer to a Medical Examiner when someone dies at home or in the community.
You may want to contact the GP practice to make sure this has happened.
When someone dies in a hospital, it will be a hospital doctor who has seen the deceased that refers to the Medical Examiner.
When referring the death to the Medical Examiner the doctor will also tell the medical examiner who they have recorded as next of kin or family.
The doctor should contact the Medical Examiner as soon as possible. When this happens will depend on the availability of an appropriate doctor.
This extra step will ensure all deaths have an independent review and that only appropriate cases are sent to the coroner.
As part of their scrutiny the Medical Examiner will contact those who have experienced a bereavement to explain the cause of death. They will give the opportunity for family or next of kin to ask questions, raise concerns or give feedback.
Once this check has been completed the medical certificate will be sent to the registrars. This will include the contact details of whom the registrars need to contact to book an appointment. On some occasions the Medical Examiner’s office may be able to help by booking this appointment. At this stage you do not need to contact us.
All involved will work together to try and avoid delays and ensure that the death can be registered at the earliest opportunity.
Some delay is inevitable, and we do ask that you are patient. It may be up to 5 working days before you are contacted about an appointment to register the death.
An appointment to register the death cannot be made until the registrar has received a completed and scrutinised medical certificate.
If more than 5 working days have passed and you know the medical examiner has completed their scrutiny, but you have not been contacted about an appointment or you have missed the call from the registrar, you can use the form below to contact us. Please allow 5 working days from the GP being informed before making contact.
It is not until the death is registered that paperwork to allow the funeral to take place can be issued. We strongly advise not committing to a date for a funeral until you have this essential paperwork.