Eligibility criteria for bidding on homes

More information

Houses and children

You are only eligible to bid for a house if you are a main carer for a child - a dependent aged 17 and under. This means the child's main home is with you. If you have parental access to your child, for example they stay overnight sometimes, you are not eligible for houses, but you can bid for a 2-bedroom flat or maisonette.

If you have joint or shared parental responsibility, we will decide who we will class as the main carer. This is to see what you are eligible for based upon the information you provide in your application. It applies even if the main carer is not applying for housing with us.

Extra bedrooms

We only consider you for homes with the number of bedrooms your household needs. If you think you have a special need for an extra bedroom, contact HomeSearch to discuss this further. We will advise you of the documentary evidence you need to provide us with to enable us to consider your request.

Age restricted properties

Some of our properties are designated for people over a certain age. We state if an age restriction applies in the property advert. We do not consider any bids you place for properties where you are not the minimum age stated in the advert. An exception might be where you have a medical need for a particular type of accommodation. We tell you if we consider you for such properties.

Adapted properties

We follow slightly different rules when allocating adapted properties.

Access all our Allocation Policy and Local lettings policies.

If you cannot resolve your query with the above information, contact the HomeSearch team. Do this by completing the form below. They will contact you to discuss your query.

HomeSearch general enquiries

If you are bidding unsuccessfully on properties or are ineligible for some council homes, you should consider -

A mutual exchange may be the best option for you

If you are a current Hull City Council tenant, or a tenant with another local authority or registered provider, your best chance of finding a new home is to find a mutual exchange. This is another tenant to swap homes with.