The centre, originally a secondary school, has had a chequered history. There has been frequent changes of management, vandalism and arson attacks. It was refurbished, after extensive fire damage, in the early twentieth century. The management committee, made up of local residents, remained active during the closure period. They undertook an intensive training programme, largely with Hull Federation of Community Organisations. During this time, they were also supported by a paid worker funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). They also received input from the area community participation officer for a short period.

A Local Community association “had originally taken over the building in 1997."

The redevelopment had strong support from the local ward councillors, John Black, Betty Hewitt and John Hewitt. But the overall agenda was a facility for the community run by the community.

A photograph from right to left of the main hall at Eastmount community centre

Sadly, Longhill ward community Association ended, and the building was closed with debts. 

After a period of time, local residents decided to lease a Building for the community. They decided on Eastmount building and registered as a charity to manage the building for the benefit of all Hull Residents.

Currently there is a management committee consisting representatives of groups and residents.  We are proud of a centre which is generating volunteer time which has been calculated as being worth £100,000 per annum. The centre is having regular mixed-use events, with boxing and wrestling recently had events here. Other activities include -

  • educational training
  • warm space
  • monthly community disco
  • weekly drop in facilities

Basically, something for everyone.

A photograph of the central garden within Eastmount community centre