Established in 1989, the first St Andrews’ community centre was created from part of the local primary school and provided a range of support to the local community such as -

  • parent and toddler groups

  • local history groups

  • breakfast and after school kids and holiday club

  • slimming groups

In 1995, St Andrews Community Centre started running Summer playschemes with funding from Hull City Council which started with 40 spaces at 25p admission.

These playschemes continued for around ten years during Easter, half-term holidays and two weeks during Summer. From 1999 there were 80 children on the register with sessions running five days a week, twice per day.

The current St Andrews community centre was built and opened in the year 2000.

A photograph of St Andrews garden which is fitted out for children

In 2012, a capital grant was applied for to create an outdoor area and due to demand, a further application was made in 2017 to extend the building to increase the number of spaces in their playschemes.

In-addition to the above, the centre has also grown to provide new activities such as:

  • karate
  • Pilates
  • scouts
  • tots play
  • children’s dance classes
  • pentecostal church meeting on Sundays

A photograph showing the nursery room at St Andrews community centre