Established in 1984, the Bilton Grange Community Association was created by a group of local residents who looked to provide a range of community support.

Prior to having a building to call their own, the Bilton Grange Community Association arranged various activities for local residents, such as -

  • adult social evenings
  • adult education classes
  • day trips
  • disco dancing
  • junior clubs

Eventually, the demand for their support grew and they obtained a four-bedroomed house as their home. However, this soon grew too small due to their success and in 1990. The Bilton Grange Community Association then moved into a purpose-built community centre.

A photograph of Bilton Grange community centre from the outside

As their 55+ group grew, the Bilton Grange Community Association bought a minibus to transport people to the centre. They also provided regular lunches for members. In-addition to this, they created a -

  • youth club
  • parent and toddler session
  • dedicated group for people with mental health conditions
  • dedicated group young people with learning difficulties

Following the NHS and Community Care Act, the Bilton Grange Community Association provided further support for older people, including an outreach support in residents own homes.

With local unemployment being between 30 and 50 percent, the Bilton Grange Association decided to help. They began providing support to young people aged between 13 to 19 years old who were not in full time education and employment to gain experience through local volunteering.

The Bilton Grange Community Centre is now largely used by Creative Day Care and a band called Route 66.

A photograph of Bilton grange community centre from outside