
Corporate Induction Event - Learning and Development courses

Course Title Corporate Induction Event
Course Information

To give new starters to the organisation an opportunity to meet Corporate Management, meet other new starters and ask questions.

You do need to complete the Corporate Induction eLearning course first, which all new starters are required to complete via OLM. This will provide you with an overview of how our council works and what our values and behaviours are.

By the end of the event you will:

  • Have the opportunity to meet some of our Corporate Strategy Team (CST) as well as other senior leaders;
  • Have the opportunity to meet other new starters;
  • Have the opportunity to ask any questions related to your service area.
Course length 4 hours
Target group

All new starters to the council.


Dates to come

Venue Guildhall,
Alfred Gelder Street,
How to apply

Hull City Council Staff

Log on to OLM (Oracle Learning Management System) to enrol.

External to Hull City Council

Complete the online application form (opens in a new window).