
Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking, and the National Referral Mechanism - Learning and Development courses

Course Title Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking, and the National Referral Mechanism
Course Information

The Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking awareness course is designed to provide learners with an awareness of the signs of exploitation (Modern Slavery) and trafficking in the UK. From forced benefit fraud to child sexual exploitation and cannabis farms, this course teaches you the signs that should set alarm bells ringing.

Including practical information on the National Referral Mechanism and the local approach, this course will help you to understand the barriers that prevent victims from trusting and cooperating with authorities.

The course will also look at how victims are trafficked, what makes people vulnerable to trafficking, and how to support victims.

  • to understand the Pilot Programme in Hull for Child Victims of Trafficking, Exploitation and MDS
  • to learn about the National Referral Mechanism process
  • understand the role of the First Responder
  • learn about the local process for NRM referrals
  • identification of modern-day slavery, human trafficking, and slavery or servitude
  • understand the different types of MDS, Exploitation and Trafficking, and how to spot signs
  • learn about the European Convention on Action against Trafficking (ECAT)
  • application of Section 45 defence
  • learn about Burden of Proof
  • exempt offences
  • additional information and contacts
Course length 4 hours
Target group

Any frontline practitioner. These include -

  • social workers
  • youth workers
  • Tuesday 17 September 2024 - 9.30am to 1.30pm
  • Friday 13 December 2024 - 9.30am to 1.30pm
  • Thursday 13 March 2025 - 9.30am to 1.30pm
Venue Brunswick House
Strand Close
How to apply

Hull City Council Staff

Log on to OLM (Oracle Learning Management System) to enrol.

External to Hull City Council

Complete the online application form (opens in a new window).