
Children Looked After Health Awareness - Learning and Development courses

Course Title Children Looked After Health Awareness
Course Information
  • national context around the health needs of Children Looked After
  • the healthy child programme and the 0 to 19 service in Hull
  • the Childhood Immunisation programme
  • statutory reviews for Children Looked After
  • promoting the health and wellbeing of Children Looked After
  • initial health assessment. What is this, who conducts it, what does it involve, and what is the outcome?
  • review health assessment. What is this, who conducts it, what does it involve, and what is the outcome?
  • SDQ. What is this, who completes it, what does it involve, and what is the outcome?
  • Children Looked After health plan
  • leaving care health assessment or passport. What is this, who conducts it, what does it involve, and what is the outcome?
  • dental health
  • GP, pharmacy, 111, out of hours, ED services
  • other health and wellbeing services
  • discussion and questions
Course length 3 hours
Target group

Foster carers


Dates to come

Venue Brunswick House
Strand Close
How to apply

Hull City Council Staff

Log on to OLM (Oracle Learning Management System) to enrol.

External to Hull City Council

Complete the online application form (opens in a new window).