
The Care Act and Childrens and Families Act 2014 - Learning and Development courses

Course Title The Care Act and Childrens and Families Act 2014
Course Information

This one-day training has been designed for adult social care staff and managers working with young people who are transitioning from Children’s Services to Adult Social Care.  It considers both Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014 and Part One of the Care 2014, and the different roles of each piece of legislation in supporting young people effectively.

Looking from a strength-based perspective, the course will explore the relevant legislation that is key to providing a legal framework for practitioners when considering and recognising the assessed needs of service users. It explores how local protocols support the successful implementation of a SMART plan.

The training will cover the importance of a person-centred approach and best practice. This is to make sure that delegates are enabled to prepare young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities for the move into -

  • greater independence
  • greater socialisation
  • achieving their best possible -
    • health
    • life chances
    • outcomes

along with importance of the partnership with commissioning services to enable this to be achieved. In doing so, we will consider key tools to support this and best practice. This will include an overview of the 24/7 grid.

The course will look at the key concept of wellbeing, specifically making links to -

  • employment
  • health
  • independent living
  • relationships
  • community participation
  • the importance of personalisation in commissioning

The course will support delegates to understand how legislation can be used to create positive outcomes for young people. It challenges barriers and practical ways of implementing the principles of both the Care Act and the Children and Families Act 2014.

This course will provide participants with the following learning outcomes -

  • understand the links between Children and Families Act 2014 and The Care Act
  • understand of the difference between sections 17 and 47 of the Children’s and Families Act 2014 and Part 3 of Children and Families Act 2014
  • recognise the need to support young people aged 18 to 25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities through both the Children Act and Part 1 of the Care Act 2014
  • Understanding the importance of personalisation, commissioning, transition protocol in relation to young people
  • understand the elements of Preparation for Adulthood and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
  • refresh and overview of the 24/7 grid
  • have regard to the Care Act Wellbeing Duty -
    • employment
    • health
    • independent living
    • friends
    • relationships
    • community participation
  • understand how legalisation can be used to create positive outcomes for young people. How it challenges barriers and practical ways of implementing the principles in both acts through good practice examples
Course length One day
Target group
All ASC practitioners and managers.

Dates to come

Venue Brunswick House
Strand Close
How to apply

Hull City Council Staff

Log on to OLM (Oracle Learning Management System) to enrol.

External to Hull City Council

Complete the online application form (opens in a new window).