
Lost and lonely - teens in crisis - Learning and Development courses

Course Title Lost and lonely - teens in crisis
Course Information

During the course we will - 

  • help explore your own feelings around your child
  • share common themes today for peer support
  • look at the toddler teen
  • understand teen behaviours
  • look at what is happening in their brains
  • discuss reconnection and repair
Course length One hour
Target group

Anyone working with children and foster carers.

  • Thursday 12 September 2024 10am to 11am - virtual
  • Thursday 13 February 2025 10am to 11am
Venue Classroom training -
Brunswick House
Strand Close
How to apply

Hull City Council Staff

Log on to OLM (Oracle Learning Management System) to enrol.

External to Hull City Council

Complete the online application form (opens in a new window).