
The Oliver McGowan mandatory training on learning disability and autism tier 2 - Learning and Development courses

Course Title The Oliver McGowan mandatory training on learning disability and autism tier 2
Course Information

Learning disability session summary (morning):

This session is aimed at people with responsibility for providing care and support for people with a learning disability and is designed to introduce and develop delegates’ awareness of learning disability.

Oliver’s training is about awareness and understanding and does not include training about treatments or specific interventions. It will give staff the right knowledge and skills to ensure people with a learning disability have positive health and social care interactions. It is co-designed and co-delivered by people with a learning disability, family carers and subject matter experts. It includes face-to-face delivery and blended learning approaches.

This Tier 2 course of The Oliver McGowan mandatory training on learning disability and autism reflects the learning outcomes set out in “right to be heard” (DHSC, 2019) and capabilities 1–4 in the core capabilities Framework for supporting people with a learning disability.

Autism session summary (afternoon):

This session provides an in-depth introduction to autism, building upon knowledge that delegates have gained from completing the eLearning course and online interactive session.

The session explores what autism is, different characteristics within the three areas of difference and supportive approaches. The importance of listening to autistic people and their families and carers is discussed throughout the session. Finally, there are references to legislation and how this guides our work.

At the end of the training sessions, the learners will:

  • Understand why autism is described as an invisible condition.
  • Reflect on their own values and beliefs.
  • Recognise potential differences, strengths and challenges for autistic people.
  • Identify potential triggers for anxiety.
  • Identify reasonable adjustments and ways to adapt their practice.
  • Be familiar with legislation and resources for inclusive enabling services.
Course length 1 day
Target group

Those working closely with children with special needs such as autism.

Learning pathway

The Oliver McGowan mandatory training on learning disability and autism (available via e-learning) must be attended before enrolling onto this course.


Dates to come

Venue Brunswick House
Strand Close
How to apply

Hull City Council Staff

Log on to OLM (Oracle Learning Management System) to enrol.

External to Hull City Council

Complete the online application form (opens in a new window).