Universal Credit

Hull became a Universal Credit Full service area from 12 December 2018 replaced new claims for -

  • Income Support
  • Job Seekers Allowance
  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Working and Child Tax Credit
  • Housing Benefit

After that date, if you need to make a new claim for benefits, you have to claim Universal Credit. This is unless one of these exceptions applies to you -

  • you are single and of State Pension age
  • you are a couple where both of you have reached State Pension age
  • you are a mixed age couple and currently receive Pension credits as a couple
  • you have been placed in temporary accommodation by the council 
  • you live in accommodation and receive care, support and supervision. It is a condition of you living in your home

If one of the above applies you can still claim one of the benefits listed above.

People will slowly move onto Universal Credit when a change in circumstances means they would have previously made a new claim for one of the benefits Universal Credit is replacing. This is called 'natural migration'.

If you are on a low income, applying for or already receiving Universal Credit, you need to make a separate claim for Council Tax Reduction.

Universal Credit aims to make you better off when you are working. There are no limits to the number of hours you can work a week. Your Universal Credit gradually reduces as you earn more. This means in future it is easier to start a new job or work more hours.

If you are of state pension age you are not affected unless you have a partner who is of working age.

If you have recently moved to Hull and receive Universal Credit, inform your work coach about this change through your online journal.

Universal Credit is applied for online. Free public internet access is available throughout the city.

To apply for Universal Credit visit GOV.UK.

Skills to Succeed Academy is an innovative online training programme. When enrolling on the Skills to Succeed course, use the code DW1YH1`.

If you would like to know how much benefit you may be able to receive or help with budgeting, visit our benefit calculator (opens in new window) and budgeting tools (opens in new window).