Marfleet conservation area public consultation
We are undertaking a city-wide review of our 26 conservation areas. This is includes a re-survey of our special interest and to assess if our boundaries need to be reduced or extended. Following re-surveys, a new Character Appraisal and Management Plan will be published for each area defining their current special architectural and historic interest, and how this should be ‘preserved and enhanced.’
Marfleet conservation area
The historic settlement pattern of Marfleet Village was designated as a conservation area in 1994, and extended in 2004. A character appraisal was published in 2005. The conservation area was designated to preserve the medieval rural settlement pattern of Marfleet Village, which was focused around Church Lane and St Giles’ Church. The conservation area was extended in 2004 to include agricultural land to the east of the Village, and an area of Marfleet Lane adjoining Hedon Road. Key buildings include St Giles’ Church and Marfleet Primary Church.
Recent changes to Marfleet Village conservation area
Since 2004 the character and appearance of the Marfleet conservation area has changed significantly. Historically, important buildings such as the Grange Farmhouse and former Church Institute have been lost-as a result of fire damage. Industrial development has been introduced within the former rural landscape located to the east of the conservation area, and within former open space to it south. These developments have impacted upon the special interest of the conservation area and means that its designated boundary requires review.
Proposed updates to the Marfleet Village conservation area
Following the completion of the re-survey of the Marfleet Village conservation area 2 changes have been proposed -
- removal of areas from the designated boundary of the conservation area
- the adoption of a new character appraisal and management plan
Boundary changes
To ensure that the designated boundary of the conservation area is relevant, the following areas are being proposed for removal -
- area 1 - Land to the east of the conservation area consisting of industrial land and building
- area 2 - Land to the south of the conservation area consisting of industrial buildings
A map of these changes is available to access and download.
The retained boundary and special interest of the conservation area will focus upon the historic core of the former village of Marfleet and retain the tree avenue and former Board School located on Marfleet Lane.
New character appraisal and management plan
The proposed Marfleet Village Character Appraisal and Management Plan includes the following guidance -
- a definition of the special interest of the conservation area.
- an assessment of the significance of its buildings, layout, landscape features and natural environment
- management guidance for the determination of planning applications
- guidance on how to manage the introduction of new development within the conservation area and its setting
The guidance has been written to comply with the Planning (listed buildings and conservation areas) Act 1990, National Planning Policy Framework, and the Hull Local Plan, including Policy 16 for Heritage Assets. An adopted character appraisal and management plan is a material consideration in the determining planning applications.
A copy of the character appraisal can be downloaded. A copy can be also be read in the Guildhall Reception.
How Changes to a conservation area are made.
Changes to a conservation area requires that a survey report be generated, followed by internal Council report process and public consultation procedures. Draft proposals for Marfleet Village have been reviewed by Area Committee, Planning Committee and Cabinet, which are now subject to a 6-week public consultation period. Following the completion of consultation, feedback will be reviewed. Depending upon feedback received either the proposals will be amended and return to Committee and Cabinet for adoption, or a second round of public consultation will take place on amended proposals.
Public consultation
Public Consultation will take place between 1 February to 16 March 2025.
All impacted residents and businesses will receive a letter by post.
A public consultation session has been arranged on Monday 17 February 2025 from 2.45pm to 6.30pm to discuss the proposed changes -
St. Gile's Church
Church Lane
The feedback form can be downloaded and returned by email to
For any queries please contact Stephen Walker, principal conservation officer, on 01482 612 124 or by email