Childcare advice

The Family Information Service (FIS) holds information on all Ofsted registered childcare providers in Hull. They are a free impartial service who can provide a wide range of information, advice and support to parents and carers across Hull.

FIS hold details of all Ofsted registered childcare in Hull including -

  • day nurseries
  • childminder
  • pre-school
  • primary school nursery classes
  • out of school clubs
  • holiday schemes

Choosing childcare is a big step for you and your child, and we want to make it as easy as possible to find the right childcare provider to suit your needs. We recommend that you –

  • visit a range of providers to give you an idea of what is best for your child
  • do not be afraid to ask questions - do your research and write down what you want to ask before you visit
  • consider taking a friend or relative with you
  • if your child has additional needs consider what support is required and check the childcare for SEND section
  • ask for a trial session before you sign a contract
  • check online for the providers latest Ofsted inspection report
  • visit during opening hours to see if the children and child carers are - calm, happy, busy

For more information on childcare options available to you in your area, contact FIS via the options below -

The Orchard Centre
210 Orchard Park Road
Tel - 01482 318 318
Email -

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday - 9am to 5pm

Friday - 9am to 4.30pm