Councillor standards and complaints

We have adopted a Code of Conduct for all elected members. The Code of Conduct applies to all councillors and voting co-opted members of the council when they are acting in their official capacity. It does not apply to them in their private and personal lives.

If you think that a member has acted in a way which breaches the Code of Conduct, you can complain to our monitoring officer under our councillor complaints process.

Complaints about our services or staff are covered by our corporate customer feedback process.

Complaints alleging that councillors have breached the Code of Conduct will be submitted to the monitoring officer. They will review it along with the independent person.

The independent person is someone who is recruited by us but is not a councillor. They will then decide whether any action should be taken.

The quickest way to make a complaint about a councillor is to submit the below form -

Submit councillor feedback (opens in a new window)

Or write to us at this address -

Monitoring Officer
Hull City Council


Where the monitoring officer has concluded that there has been a breach of the Code of Conduct, these complaints are published.