Freedom of Information complaints procedure

If you make Freedom of Information (FOI) request and you are not happy with the outcome, you can complain and request a review through our FOI internal review procedure. We send you details of how to complain when we respond to your FOI request.

Make sure you include the following information when making a request for a review to help us deal with your complaint effectively -

  • your contact details. This may include your address, email address or fax number
  • an explanation of why you are not satisfied
  • the date you originally requested the information
  • details of the information you originally requested

Review process

We will acknowledge your request within 5 days of receiving it. We will also let you know when we expect to respond. This is usually within 20 working days of receiving your request. Occasionally we cannot respond within 20 working days. We will let you know when you can expect a response.

The review will be processed through our customer feedback team.

You will be informed of the decision, and the reasons for that decision, once the internal review has been completed. If you are still unhappy with this review decision, we will also tell you how to make a further appeal to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Unhappy with the review

If you are unhappy with the result of the internal review, you can refer your complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office.

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Telephone - 08456 306 060 or 01625 545 745
Fax - 01625 524 510

The Information Governance Manager
Information Governance Team
Room 10
The Guildhall
Alfred Gelder Street

Telephone - 01482 300 300
Text phone - 01482 300 349
Email -