Council Tax discounts and disregards

Homes for Ukraine Visa

Up to a 50% discount on Council Tax is available for customers on a Homes for Ukraine visa.

To be eligible, a customer must -

  • have entered the Country on a Homes for Ukraine VISA (evidence must be supplied)
  • provide the name and address of their original sponsor when they entered the country, or evidence that they were provided temporary accommodation
  • provide a copy of the letter supplied by the Home Office from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities department that that was issued to them when permission to enter the UK was granted

No other visa types are eligible, and residency permits alone are insufficient to claim the discount.

The amount of council tax your household will have to pay will depend on the number of adults in it and whether they are disregarded. If a Homes for Ukraine immigration permission holder lives - 

  • their own in a property, the council tax bill will be discounted by 50% (because all occupants are disregarded)
  • with another Homes for Ukraine permission holder (adult daughter and their mother), in a property the council tax bill will bel discounted by 50%
  • in a property with one other person who is not disregarded, the bill will only be discounted by 25%