If you are a male victim of domestic violence, contact our male support worker in confidence on 01482 613 978.
If you are calling from the local area the telephone number does not appear on your bill. If you use a mobile phone the number shows up on your statement and in your dialled numbers list unless you delete it. If we ring you, our number does not show up on your phone.
What happens next
You will be allocated a support worker who will talk with you in confidence and discuss what to do next. This could include discussing how we can -
- take action to improve your safety and your children's safety
- take against abusers
- find you emergency temporary accommodation if needed
If you can't visit our offices to meet with your support worker (for example, if you have a physical disability) we can visit you at home if it is safe to do so or arrange to meet you at a more convenient location. We can offer -
- legal advice and support throughout the criminal justice system and in attending the solicitors or court
- housing advice and support
- benefits advice
- referral to specialist support for children and young people
- referral to health, drug, and alcohol services
- counselling
In an emergency, call 999. The Police take domestic violence seriously and can take action against abusers.
Contact us
Tel - 01482 613 978
Strength to Change - domestic violence
Strength to Change help men find the strength to stop domestic violence. We understand how domestic violence can start and how to stop it. Talk to us and you will get real world advice and practical tools to help stop violence in your home.