Election Act 2022

What you need to know

The Elections Act 2022 has made big changes to the way elections are run. One of the biggest changes is that you now need to show photo identification when you go to vote at a polling station. Such as a passport or driving licence.

Not all the changes have been implemented yet. This page is a summary of what has already happened and what we are likely to see soon. We will update when the changes come into force.

You can find out more about the Election Act on the Electoral Commission website.

Voter ID

The changes you have seen

You now have to show an official form of photo identification (ID) when you arrive at a polling station to vote. This means something like a passport or a driving licence. It must have a photograph of you on. A list of accepted forms of ID will appear on your poll card letter that will be sent to you ahead of any election.

If you do not have an official form of photo ID, you can apply online for a free Voter Authority Certificate (VAC) below.

Apply for a Voter Authority Certificate (opens in new window)

You can also apply using a paper application form, contact us for this by -

  • emailing us your request along with your name and address to electoral.services@hullcc.gov.uk
  • telephoning us on 01482 300 302
  • completing Electoral Register Enquiry form

Electoral Register Enquiry form (opens in new window)

When the changes came into force

These changes came into force from May 2023.

Accessibility at polling stations

The changes you will see

Voters with disabilities will be given extra support at polling stations.

Anyone over the age of 18 will now be able to accompany a disabled voter at a polling station.

When the changes come into force

These changes came into force after the May 2023 elections.