In this section
The Humber Historic Environment Record (HER) is the collection of all known heritage assets and historic landscapes within the East Riding of Yorkshire and Hull boundaries. They include -
- archaeological sites
- historic buildings
- landscape features
that date from the prehistoric period through to the 20th century. The Humber HER aims to record the heritage assets within our landscape. The Humber HER is formerly known as the Humber Sites and Monuments Record. It is part of Humber Archaeology Partnership.
We hold information on -
- archaeological sites which remain below the surface. They can only be seen from aerial photographs
- standing monuments, buildings and earthworks
- finds, such as flint or pottery, as well as metal detecting discoveries
- archaeological investigations including published and unpublished fieldwork reports. Such as developer funded work undertaken as part of the planning process
- documentary evidence including -
- local and national journals
- reports of local
- national and international interest
- newspaper articles
- historic maps
- designated heritage asset records including -
- scheduled monuments
- listed buildings
- conservation areas
- registered parks and gardens
- photographic sources including -
- aerial photographs
- slides
The Humber HER is linked to a Geographical Information System (GIS), as well as a paper-based record. Each Humber HER record has a unique reference number on the database. It corresponds to an index card. Details of each site typically include -
- type of site, for example a -
- monument
- building
- findspot
- a date, for example, the prehistoric period -
- Roman
- medieval
- modern
- location
- description and summary
- sources of where the information came from, for example -
- a fieldwork report
- correspondence
- photograph
- details of any designation