Hull’s Dynamic Drains project is a partnership between -
to look after Barmston Drain.
The project aims to -
- improve wildlife habitats and connectivity along this green corridor
- improve opportunities for the community to engage with their natural environment
- take part in nature-based activities
We also hope that the project will reduce the incidence of fly tipping and littering along the watercourses in Hull.
The project links up with the ‘Living with Water’ agenda. This will help communities in Hull understand and appreciate the water environment. Helping to look after it, and increase their own levels of resilience for -
- flood risk
- climate change
and all the issues that this creates.
Hull’s Dynamic Drains is planned to roll out across some of Hull’s other urban watercourses over the next 3 years -
- Holderness Drain
- Setting Dyke
- Foredyke
- Old Fleet Drain
Hull’s Dynamic Drains - School Programme
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust will be following up their successful nature friendly Schools with a new offering that will -
- help to engage children in the project
- develop new learning opportunities
- enhance the wildlife potential of the schools taking part
Over the next 3 years, the programme will work with 15 primary schools close to the drains where the project will be focused.
Alongside teaching children about nature, the project could create new water gardens within school grounds. This would divert water into mini wetlands that will help to reduce flood risk in the city. These gardens will give the children hands-on experience of creating wildlife friendly areas and opportunities for learning about the wildlife that make their homes there.