Parenting courses

Further courses

HENRY (Health, Exercise, Nutrition for the Really Young)

The HENRY group programme has been developed to give parents the tools and skills they need for a healthy family lifestyle.

These sessions are suitable for expectant parents or carers of children aged 0 to 11 years old. They must be living with them or involved in regular contact and parenting. HENRY helps parents or carers think about how they can help their families be healthier and more active. It covers 5 main themes -

  • parenting
  • how we eat
  • what we eat
  • being active
  • emotional wellbeing

HENRY consists of 8-week group programmes at local Family Hubs. It is alongside shorter workshops on -

  • starting solid foods
  • eating well for less
  • healthy teeth
  • fussy eaters

Feedback from one of our parents is available on YouTube.

Pop Up Parenting workshops

2 hours one to one support for families.

Family life can be challenging for any parent. When you are faced with lots of problems at once it can be hard to know where to turn. The Early Help Team aim is to offer practical support to families to help resolve their problems and stop them from getting worse.

Early Help Pop Up Parenting workshops are aimed at meeting parents' needs to deal with parenting challenges. They want to improve the child or young person’s emotional well-being. They want to reduce the need for intervention from other agencies.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, parenting problems may have become more complicated. This can be due to the lack of family or professional support. This short workshop can support families. The workshop has a range of quick and easy to use hints and tips, advice and guidance.

Parents can request extra support from Early Help Children’s Centres, or the Parenting Team within the Early Help offer.

This Pop Up Parenting workshop is 2 hours long. It is aimed at preschool and primary school parents and carers. It promotes positive family relationships and emotional wellbeing. Staff can pick and mix elements of the course to fit with the age and needs of the child and family.

Staff members will provide Triple P Tip Sheet resources they can use with parents. They cover common issues such as -

  • meal-time problems
  • nightmares and night terrors
  • separation problems
  • fighting and aggression
  • behaviour at school

At the end of the workshop, parents who want extra parenting support can be referred for Early Help support. They can be supported in accessing the Solihull online guides. Other online resources and the appropriate parenting intervention are available.

You can register your interest in the above programmes on the next page.