Private fostering

Statement of purpose and best care

It is a requirement for all local authorities to publish a statement of purpose in relation to private fostering. This statement of purpose sets out to explain Hull City Council’s duties and functions in relation to private fostering and the ways in which this is conducted.

It aims to meet the requirements as outlined in the 1989 Children Act, the National Minimum Standards for private fostering which came into force on 18 July 2003 and the Children (private arrangements for fostering) Regulations 2005.

Best care

For you to provide the best possible care for the child you must have a clear understanding from the child's parents about their -

  • health
  • education
  • religious
  • ethnic and cultural needs

As a private foster carer, you have an obligation to tell us when the child is leaving your care. We may ask you why the child is leaving. We might ask for a forwarding address of the person who is looking after the child or young person.