Pre-Tenancy interviews, offers and refusals



We check that you can afford the property in question. If it is assessed that you are not able to afford it, you may not be offered the property.

Rent in advance

The offer of a property is subject to a compulsory -

  • payment of rent for the first week of the tenancy
  • the submission of a completed application for housing related benefit accompanied by the necessary evidential proofs

prior to entry into a tenancy agreement. 

If you do not comply with the above the offer of the property may not be made.

Viewing the property

You will be invited to view the property as soon as the property is ready to let. We can give you an idea of when we expect this to be.

Occasionally we may invite you to a group viewing. We will tell you which position you are on the shortlist if we do this. This is so you will know if other people will be considered before you. All those attending the viewing will be asked if they are interested in the property.

Signing the tenancy agreement

If you are made the offer of the property, you will usually be asked to sign the tenancy agreement either at or straight after the viewing.