
Flooding is a shared responsibility, we all have a part to play. There is no single organisation responsible for managing flood risk in England.

Flooding can happen very quickly with little to no warning, so we cannot stop flooding from happening completely. We can reduce the risk of it happening by understanding flood risk and taking appropriate action now.

We are the Lead Local Flood Authority and have a Flood Risk Management Team. They have roles and responsibilities. These include -

  • developing, maintaining, applying, and monitoring a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
  • working in partnership with other risk management authorities to reduce flood risk. For example, the Environment Agency
  • carrying out works to manage local flood risk, including building flood alleviation schemes
  • maintaining an asset register. They are physical features that have a significant effect on flooding. For example, rivers and flood defences
  • investigating significant local flooding events
  • regulating ‘ordinary watercourses*’ to make sure they are flowing properly
  • providing technical advice on surface water drainage on major developments
  • playing a lead role in emergency planning and recovery after a flood event

*Watercourses or rivers are called either Main Rivers or Ordinary Watercourses.

You can find out a designation here. If you are unsure, contact the Flood Risk Management Team.