Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice are an independent organisation that can provide assistance with a range of topics including -

Welfare benefits

Help can be provided, if you -

  • are confused about your benefits
  • want to challenge a decision
  • need help and guidance with filling benefit forms in


Support can be offered if you -

  • are owed wages or have had wages unfairly deducted
  • have been unfairly dismissed
  • have been made redundant and need support


Help can be offered if you -

  • are struggling to manage your bills
  • have received letters from a bailiff or the court
  • want to set up affordable repayment plans with creditors
  • want to check eligibility for bankruptcy or a DRO (Debt Relief Order) to clear your debts and have a fresh start
  • would like budgeting advice


Advice if you - 

  • need access to children
  • want residency of children, if your relationship is breaking down
  • are experiencing domestic violence
  • need advice on fostering or adoption


Support and advice may be available, if you -

  • have rent or mortgage arrears
  • are threatened with eviction
  • live in a rented house in a poor state of repair
  • are being harassed by a landlord or face homelessness
  • need representation in court


Support may be available, if you need advice on simple immigration queries including -

  • checking immigration status
  • help with straightforward applications regarding staying in the UK and becoming a British citizen

Community care

Help if you - 

  • are looking for advice on sheltered accommodation
  • need accommodation modified due to a disability
  • need a care assessment or want to challenge a decision
  • are disabled and need to allow a carer to access your finances
  • are a young carer looking after a family member

Discrimination at work

If you are experiencing discrimination at work, you can get independent advice and support from Citizens Advice on the steps which you can take.

Discrimination in education

We can provide you with independent advice and support about discrimination by education providers, such as schools, colleges, and universities.

Small Claims

We can help you if you are making a small claim in court and need advice or support also GOV.UK.