Household Support Fund

Service update

The Government announced in March 2024 that Household Support Fund would be extended to 30 September 2024.

DWP text survey

A survey on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions is currently being carried out regarding the Household Support Fund. You may receive a text message from the contact 'Household Support Fund survey'. This text message is sent and managed by Ipsos UK a third party and is in no way linked to the Council. Any queries should be directed to the email address at the end of the text.

Household Support Fund

This grant is funded by the UK Government as Cost of Living support.

Last year, every Local Authority made their own local decision on how to distribute their grant funded allocation. The funding is for residents of the city who have been severely impacted by the current increases in living costs that have occurred.

The Cabinet Report providing options for the allocation of Household Support Funding for 2023 to 2024 was approved at the meeting of our Cabinet on the 27 March 2023.

Our allocation has been distributed to help vulnerable customers across the following areas and eligible customers will be contacted between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024 -

  • food vouchers to Free School Meal recipients during holiday periods
  • Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) food bank support to facilitate food distribution
  • support for low income households to improve energy efficiency, including insulation improvements and boiler replacements
  • Warm Homes funding for smaller items to improve energy efficiency. Including smaller insulation improvements and domestic appliances
  • VCS warm spaces support for winter 2023 to 24
  • proactive payments to specific vulnerable groups identified in conjunction with VCS partners
  • Tenancy Support and Sustainment for those renting homes
  • allocated to partly fund the Local Assistance Scheme and payment of eligible applications for Community Crisis Payments and Community Support Grants