Local housing allowance

Local housing allowance (LHA) is a housing benefit awarded to tenants that live in privately rented accommodation.

The LHA rate that can be awarded is based on the number of bedrooms that a household needs (up to a maximum of 4). It is not the number of rooms in the property or the amount of rent charged.

LHA rates 2024 to 2025

LHA rates will only change once a year in April, rather than each month.

The following rates apply between April 2024 and April 2025 -

  • shared accomodation rate - £335.83 monthly
  • 1 bedroom rate - £380 monthly
  • 2 bedroom rate - £475 monthly
  • 3 bedroom rate - £550 monthly
  • 4 bedroom rate - £700 monthly

The calculation

You are allowed one bedroom for -

  • every adult couple (married or unmarried)
  • a single person aged 16 or over
  • 2 children of the same sex under the age of 16
  • 2 children (of the same or opposite sexes) under the age of 10
  • a child under the age of 16

Additional rooms may be allowed for -

  • foster children
  • joint tenants
  • overnight carers and disabled people, conditions apply

When determining your LHA rate, we will have to decide -

  • who is responsible for any non-dependants living in the household. Non-dependants are anyone who lives in your household aged 16 or over who no one receives child benefit for
  • single people aged 35 and over and couples with no children. If you are single and aged 35 or over or a couple with no children, you receive the LHA 1 bedroom rate unless you are occupying shared accommodation. In this case the LHA shared accommodation rate applies
  • single people aged 34 and under. If you are single and 34 and under you receive the LHA shared accommodation rate which is based on the exclusive use of a bedroom with shared use of a kitchen, bathroom and or living room. The exceptions to this are if you are a care leaver aged 21 or under or if you are severely disabled. In these cases, you are entitled to the LHA one bedroom rate

If you have a change of circumstances which affects the number of bedrooms your household is entitled to, your bedroom rate will be reviewed.