In this section
Performance news
Since April 2024 the Regulator of Social Housing has required all Registered Providers, including us, to make sure that all services provided to our tenants meet 4 new standards.
These are -
- Safety and Quality Standard including -
- stock quality
- decency
- health and safety
- repairs
- Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard including -
- fairness and respect
- diverse needs
- engagement with tenants
- information
- Neighbourhood and Community Standard including -
- safety of shared spaces
- anti-social behaviour
- hate incidents.
- Tenancy Standard including -
- allocations and lettings
- tenancy sustainment
- evictions
Overall responsibility for compliance against these new standards lies with Mark Nearney, Assistant Director, Neighbourhoods and Housing.
Mark is supported by 5 Heads of Service and our Building Safety Manager -
- Area and Neighbourhood Management - Debbie Akester - including responsibility for the management of -
- tenancy and neighbourhood
- income collection
- high rise tenancy issues
- Contracting and Investment - Brad Smith - including responsibility for -
- overseeing repairs, maintenance and improvement services, delivered by our contractor partners including KWL (Kingstown Works Ltd)
- administering the right to buy
- leasehold management
- Housing Access and Wellbeing - Ria Toutountzi - including responsibility for -
- letting empty Council homes
- managing our sheltered housing offer
- Strategy Market Intervention and Growth - Ben Hanson - including responsibility for -
- new-build and regeneration programmes
- Business Development and Change - Emma Warwick - including responsibility for -
- policy
- tenant engagement
- customer feedback performance
- collection of former tenant arrears
- Building Safety Manager – Becky Franks – including responsibility for -
- safe maintenance of our high rise bocks
Their annual pay like other senior council managers at September 2024 is -
- assistant director Grade 16 - £92,231
- head of service Grade 14 - £70,228
Our management costs
Like most businesses, our financial year runs from April to March. For financial year 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024, our total spending from the HRA (Housing Revenue Account) was £93.573m.
How we spent our rent income -
- 46% - planned works (including funding for capital schemes)
- 11% - responsive repairs
- 23% - staff costs
- 1% - bad debts
- 13% - debt interest and repayments
- 6% - void works
All above figures are rounded to nearest 1%.