Suited locks to low rise flats
All low rise flats citywide that have a communal entrance have a suited lock system for the shared entrance door.
If you are a tenant in a low-rise block of flats and have lost your key for the communal entrance door, to contact your Area Housing Team with identification to make arrangements for a new key to be cut. You will need to take one of the following types of identification -
- current passport
- driving licence
- Home Office Leave to Remain document
If none of these are available, provide 2 of the following -
- utility bill
- Council Tax Statement or Bill
- Bank Statement or Debit Card
- Housing Benefit, Department Work and Pensions or HMRC benefit letter
- rent card
You will be charged £8.40 for this if you can collect the key from your Area Housing Office or AB Rooms. Or you can have a new key delivered to your home at a cost of £12.60.
Complete the below online form -
General housing enquiry form (opens in a new window)
Council tenants who do not live in a low rise flat
If you are a council tenant and do not live in a low rise flat with a communal entrance door and you have lost your door keys, call 01482 300 300. We will have to carry out some security protection checks before raising an order for your locks to be changed.