
Kingston Care lifeline service is run by us and is available to -

  • council tenants
  • Housing Association tenants
  • private tenants
  • homeowners

This service is also available to anyone, of any age who would like to feel safer and more confident at home. For example -

  • people of any age living at home
  • older, or disabled people
  • people who have been discharged from hospital
  • people at risk of domestic abuse
  • people living with medical conditions who need peace of mind
  • people living with dementia in the community

It provides people with access to a dedicated Lifeline control centre 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the event of an emergency at home. Trained control operators can respond and take the most appropriate action to help the customer.

Anyone requiring a Lifeline will receive -

  • a Lifeline unit
  • a smoke alarm or heat head
  • a pendant to wear when they are at home

These are lined into the Lifeline remotely.

Should you need emergency help, press the button on the pendant or the unit. This will connect you to the Lifeline control centre alerting them that you need help. If the heat head or smoke alarm is activated, an automatic alert will be sent. Help can be activated without a need to press the button.

Price for a Lifeline

All Lifelines will be digital. There is no need for a landline in the property. There is no installation charge. The weekly cost is £4.85. Depending on circumstances, VAT may have to be paid at 20%. This makes the weekly charge £5.82.

When you need help

A call is activated by pressing one of the buttons. The control centre staff will speak over the intercom on the main unit. They will decide what action to take. For example -

  • contact nominated contacts
    • family member
    • friend
    • neighbour 
  • call emergency services
    • fire
    • police
    • ambulance


If you -

  • are interested in a lifeline and wish to apply
  • wish to report a fault with the lifeline service
  • would like to cancel lifeline
  • are notifying that you are moving house. If this is the case, one weeks' notice is needed
  • have any payment queries or problems

You can contact lifeline by emailing Or you can call 01482 614 300.