Teen relationships

All relationships go through rocky patches and hopefully, talking to your boyfriend or girlfriend about what is upsetting you will help sort any issues or problems out. However some relationships aren’t healthy. The NSPCC interviewed over a hundred teenagers and found that -

  • 1/4 of girls and 18% of boys reported physical partner violence
  • 3/4 of girls and 1/2 of boys reported emotional partner violence
  • 1/3 of girls and 16% of boys reported sexual partner violence

It might be abuse if -

  • your boyfriend or girlfriend calls you names and put you down
  • they make fun of you in front of other people
  • they constantly call and check up on you and are angry if you turn off your phone
  • they hurt you
  • they threaten you
  • they accuse you of seeing other people
  • it’s easier just to stop seeing friends or going to places, because of the arguments if you go
  • you feel as if you are losing yourself
  • you are under pressure to have sex before you’re ready or do anything sexual which makes you feel uncomfortable
  • you are afraid of them
  • family and friends are worried about you
  • you are a girl with a much older boyfriend (as research shows that this is a high risk factor for abuse)

It is never okay for your boyfriend or girlfriend to hurt, scare or bully you or to pressure you into sex. If you feel this is happening to you contact DAP on 318 759 and they will listen to you, help you make sense of it all and offer advice and support.

Child safety organisations