In this section
The Data Protection Act requires anyone who keeps personal data to 'Notify' the Information Commissioner what they are doing. The Act also entitles individuals to find out what information is being held about them.
Day to day enquiries for personal information
The council receive and answer requests from people for information about themselves daily. For example, people asking how much they owe in library fines. We will continue to deal with enquiries from individuals in an informal way, at the council offices. This is where the data is held.
Your right to information under the Data Protection Act
The Data Protection Act gives you the right to apply for a copy of data about yourself. You may appoint someone to apply on your behalf (such as a relative or a solicitor).
To help you, and ensure confidentiality, we will need to ask you-
- for evidence to confirm your identity, such as a driving licence, or a birth certificate
- for information to allow us to find the data you want
To make a Subject Access Request please complete the form below -
Subject Access Request (Opens in a new window)
To report a data protection breach please complete the form below -
Report a data protection breach (Opens in a new window)
Email Security
If you want to find out more about our email security and whether emails you send to or receive from us are secure, please refer to our guide.
The Information Commissioner
We notify the Information Commissioner of the purposes for which we hold personal data. We do this in two notifications: electoral registration and whole council. Copies of our notifications are available from the Information Governance team (contact details below), or Information Commissioner's website.
Information Governance Team
Room 10
The Guildhall
Alfred Gelder Street
Schools have separate notifications with the Information Commissioner. To obtain details or copies of the information they may hold about you or your child, you will need to approach the school concerned. School notifications are also held by the Information Commissioner.
All registers are open to public inspection at the Information Commissioner's office or on their website. If you wish to receive a copy of a notification, please contact -
The Office of the Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane