Buying a new or used car

Hull Motor Trade Partnership

You receive a number of advantages being part of the Hull Motor Trade Partnership including -

  • recognition of business standards and good practice
  • increased consumer confidence
  • authorised use of the dedicated partnership logo for use on business documentation and promotional advertising material
  • certificate of membership and partnership banner for display on business premises
  • single Trading Standards point of contact
  • promotion on our website and X accounts

Apply to become a member

Complete an application form and return it with your payment to -

Trading Standards Service
Public Protection
33 Witham

Alternatively email us at

What happens next

On receipt of your application and payment we contact you to arrange a suitable date for your annual audit.

If your audit is successful you receive -

  • a membership certificate
  • a banner and logo for use, on business documentation and promotional advertising material
  • promotion on our website and X accounts

Membership fees

The annual membership fee is currently £150 plus VAT (£180 including VAT) payable in January each year.

New members pay a reduced fee depending on when they join -

  • January
    • excluding VAT - £150
    • including VAT - £180
  • February
    • excluding VAT - £137.50
    • including VAT - £160
  • March
    • excluding VAT - £125
    • including VAT - £150
  • April
    • excluding VAT - £112.50
    • including VAT - £135
  • May
    • excluding VAT - £100
    • including VAT - £120
  • June
    • excluding VAT - £87.50
    • including VAT - £105
  • July
    • excluding VAT - £75
    • including VAT - £90
  • August
    • excluding VAT - £62.50
    • including VAT - £75
  • September
    • excluding VAT - £50
    • including VAT - £60
  • October
    • excluding VAT - £37.50
    • including VAT - £45
  • November
    • excluding VAT - £25
    • including VAT - £30
  • December
    • excluding VAT - £12.50
    • including VAT - £15

Further information

For further information and advice contact us by -