Apply for a sex establishment licence

Payments and objections

Access our licensing fees.

Make a secure payment online anytime with myPayments. You will need the following -

  • your debit or credit card
  • your PayPal account login details if you are not using your debit or credit card
  • an email address to be sent a receipt. This is optional

You can make online payments using a compatible browser.

Visit our browser compatibility page to find out more information.

Pay your Sex Establishment Fees (opens in new window)

Objections to applications for a grant, transfer, variation or renewal

If you want to object to an application for this type of licence of whatever kind, you must give notice of this in writing to us. State the grounds for objection. You can object no later than 28 days of the application being made.

Contact us

Licensing section
Hull City Council
33 Witham 

Tel: 01482 300 301
Text phone: 01482 300 349

Use the online form below if you have any queries relating to a sex establishment and sex cinema licences.

Licence and permit queries (opens in new window)