Licensing Policies

We have established licensing policies for some of the licensing regimes it is responsible for.

Some of these policies have been made as a statutory requirement of the relevant legislation governing that particular licensing regime. From time to time, we review the policies below. In some circumstances, we consult the public and other stakeholders on any revisions.

The policies are in place to guide us when we go through licence applications. These policies can also help applicants when considering applying for a licence.

Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005

Review of the Licensing Policies 3 June 2024 to 12 July 2024

Hull City Council is currently consulting on its Statement of Licensing Policies under both the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005 and undertaking a review of the Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) for the location bordered on and between Spring Bank, Princes Avenue, Newland Avenue, Cottingham Road and Beverley Road.

The Licensing Authority is required to seek the views from the responsible authorities, local people, businesses, and other organisations that may be affected by the policy review.

The council welcomes and encourages all interested parties to provide feedback in relation to the content and format of the whole policy.

For more information the proposed Licensing Policies can be found here licensing policies

Following the consultation a final draft of the Policies will be submitted to the Licensing Committee for comment and recommendation for approval at full Council. The policies will then replace the existing policies in January 2025.

Comments must be made in writing by 12 July 2024, via one of the following methods -

By post to -

Mr K Fenner
Licensing Manager
Public Health and Adult Services
Hull City Council
33 Witham

By email to - - marked for the attention of the Licensing Manager

What the revised policy seeks to achieve

The council has taken the opportunity to revise the content of the policies to reflect the latest guidance issued under the Act and amendments made to the Act itself since the current policy was adopted. The policies also provide practical clarity to existing and potential licence holders and assists council officers to correctly apply the legal provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act 2005.

Following the formal consultation process, an analysis of the responses received will be undertaken and the results collated for the Licensing Committee to consider along with the draft policy documents in time to ensure the revised policies are in force by the 1 January 2025.

Help for those worried about gambling

GamCare is the leading national provider of free information, advice and support for people affected by problem gambling. They have Live Chat, or you can telephone. There is also a Group Chat and forum.

GAMSTOP is a free service which helps you control your online gambling. By signing up, you will not be able to use gambling websites and apps run by companies licensed in Great Britain. You can do this for a period of your choosing.

The NHS has lots of information to help you or anyone you have concerns about.

The Gambling Commission offers advice and sign-posting to many services that can help.