Temporary event notices

Temporary events relate to ‘one off’ events where 499 people or fewer will attend where licensable activities will take place.

Licensable activities are -

  • selling or supplying alcohol
  • providing late night refreshment - hot food or drink sold between 11pm and 5am
  • providing regulated entertainment, such as -
    • music
    • dancing
    • indoor sporting event

Temporary Events Notice (TEN) Criteria -

  • you must be 18 years or over to apply
  • no more than 499 people - including staff running the event
  • last no longer than 168 hours, which is 7 days
  • you can have 5 TENS a year, 2 of which can be ‘late’ TENs. Personal Licence holders can have 50 TENs a year, 10 of which can be ‘late’ TENS
  • a premises can have up to 15 TENs applied for in one year, as long as the total length of the events are not more than 21 days
  • there must be at least a 24-hour gap between each event

It is unlawful to permit children under 16 not accompanied by an adult between midnight and 5am to any premises operating under a TEN supplying alcohol for consumption.

Late TENs

The latest you can apply for a ‘late TEN’ is 5 days before the event but not earlier than 9 days. This does not include weekends or bank holidays. These days do not include the day we receive your application or the day of the event.


We will not refuse a TEN unless the Police or Environmental Protection objects to it within 3 days. They can only object if they think your event could -

  • lead to crime and disorder
  • cause a public nuisance
  • be a threat to public safety
  • put children at risk of harm

If there is an objection, we will hold a meeting called a ‘hearing’ no later than 24 hours before the event. This is unless all parties come to an agreement.

At the hearing, the committee will approve, add conditions, or reject the TEN. If the Police or Environmental Protection objects to a late TEN, it will not be valid, and you cannot hold the event.

Displaying your notice

You must keep your TEN in a safe place at the event and where it can be easily seen.