Transfer of Premises Licence

If you wish to take over a premises licence, you must make an application to transfer it and obtain consent from the existing licence holder. A premises licence can only be transferred to a party who would be able to use the premises for licensable activities authorised by the premises licence. Sections 42 to 46 of the Licensing Act 2003 regulate the transfer of premises licences.

You must provide -

  • an application form
  • the existing premises licence or, if not available, a statement why the licence cannot be returned
  • a copy of a document showing your right to work in the UK, such as a British and EU passport or visa
  • consent from the current premises licence holder, or if unable to obtain, a statement as to what steps have been taken to obtain the consent
  • the application fee. a licensing officer will contact you to take payment once we have received your application
  • a full copy of the application and any accompanying documents must be sent to the police and the home office

An application to transfer a premises licence will usually only be made with the consent of the existing licence holder. Consent may not be required if the applicant can demonstrate that they have taken all reasonable steps to obtain that consent.

Should there be no representation to the application from the police, or the Home Office the application will be granted, and the amended licence issued to you in due course.

Access our transfer application and guidance.

Send completed applications and relevant documents to -

You can also post it to -
Licensing Section
33 Witham