Variation of Premises Licence

The holder of a premises licence may apply to vary some aspects of their licence.

Variation applications are made for one or more of the following reasons -

  • adding extra licensable activities to the licence
  • changing permitted time for existing activities or opening hours
  • adding new conditions, amending or removing conditions
  • changing the layout of the premises

Variations cannot be used to extend a time limited licence. In this situation, you should make a new grant application.

Applications to vary the premises licence must be submitted by the current premises licence holder.

All applications must be advertised. This is so that residents and businesses can review the application. They can then make any representations about the application within the statutory timescales.

Applications must be advertised in 2 ways -

  • display a statutory notice in a prominent position at your premises. This must be for 28 days in a row starting on the day after you submitted your application. This notice must be printed on blue paper. It needs to be displayed so that it can be easily read from outside the premises at all times
  • publish a public notice in a locally available newspaper. This should be within 10 working days of submitting your application*

Your application will be invalid if not advertised in line with legal requirements. You may have to start the application process again.

*We recommend that advertisements are not placed in the newspaper. This is until the Licensing Authority has notified you that they have accepted the application as valid.

Copies of the application must also be served on each of the Responsible Authorities -

  • Police
  • Fire Authority
  • Public Health
  • Planning
  • Environmental Health
  • Child Protection
  • Trading Standards - Weights and Measures

The application pack has contact information.

During the 28-day consultation period, the responsible authorities and relevant persons have the right to comment on the application. To be accepted as a valid comment under the terms of the Licensing Act 2003, objections must be relevant to one or more of the 4 Licensing Objectives -

  • the prevention of crime and disorder
  • public safety
  • the prevention of public nuisance
  • the protection of children from harm

If relevant representations are received during the consultation process, the applicant will be informed. They will be invited to a sub-committee hearing to determine whether the application may be granted.

If no relevant representations are received after 28 days, the licence will be granted with the amendments as applied for.

Applications should be submitted to -

Or by post to -

Hull City Council
Licensing Section
33 Witham

The licensing Section can be contacted on 01482 615 462.