Playing Out in Hull

Playing Out in Hull allows children to play freely and safely in the street by using temporary road closures. We work with our Highways Department to grant a temporary play street order. It allows residents to close the street for a short period.

The street is manned by volunteer resident marshals who safely allow vehicles to slowly enter and exit the street. They make sure residents can still gain vehicle access during the sessions.

The sessions normally last for one to 3 hours and can be as regular as suits the street. Weekly or monthly, for example.

Before a closure can be granted, any houses directly affected must be consulted with. Any concerns must be carefully considered.

How to set up a playing out event in your street

Contact our council to register your interest by emailing

Once you know that your street is suitable, you need to consult with any houses directly affected before a road closure can be put in place.

You must post a letter to these houses and any concerns must be considered. You should try to recruit stewards while you are speaking to residents. They are essential for making sure the play environment is safe.

There are documents that residents can use on the Playing Out website. For example, the consultation letter.

Contact the Permit Team to apply for a temporary play street order by -

Complete the application from and return to the Permit Team. Use the guidance notes to help complete the form. Once approved, this gives you permission from our council to temporarily close the street.

Borrow a playing out toolkit from your local storage site.

The toolkit includes -

  • road closure signs
  • high visibility vests
  • posters
  • skipping rope
  • street chalk

Have lots of fun at your play out session.

Access the Playing Out website for more information and make your street a place to play.