Car Parks

Pryme Street multi storey car park

Car park type

Long stay, multi storey

Parking area

General parking - 514 spaces

Electric Vehicles - There are currently no public electric vehicle chargers at this car park. We provide chargers at -

  • the History Centre
  • Lowgate
  • and Osborne Street

car parks.

Height restriction

Barrier 191cm - 6ft 3 inches


£3 for 24 hours car parking starting from the time at which a pay and display ticket is printed.

If you have a Blue Badge you can park free of charge.

Opening times

Monday to Sunday  - 7am to 11pm

Payment types

  • Pay and display machines
  • mobile phone
  • online
  • MiPermit app (opens in new window)

Monthly or weekly passes

If you are a MiPermit account holder you are eligible to park at the rate of £50 per month. Your pass can start on any date and is valid for a full calendar month at Pryme Street and George Street multi storey car parks. The monthly pass is equal to a saving of 5 days.

You may also purchase a weekly pass for £12.50 which can start on any day of the week. Both monthly and weekly passes can be used on Saturday and Sunday.   

You can register (opens on new window) and then select the Hull City Council portal and multi storey season ticket.