Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs)

Hull City Council can place -

  • temporary
  • experimental
  • permanent restrictions

on traffic within their areas by way of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO).

Some of the most popular uses for TROs are -

  • restricting the movements of HGVs in residential areas
  • implementing parking restrictions
  • restricting traffic
  • improve road safety
  • improve traffic flow
  • improve air quality
  • help improve the quality of life for residents and businesses in the local area

Procedure for making a TRO

Consult with local communities and stakeholders

Hull City Council consults with local communities and stakeholders before publishing any TROs. Once agreed we must publish a notice in a local newspaper. We ensure that adequate publicity is provided to those affected. This will include a display of notices in the affected area. The relevant documents must be held on deposit from the date that the notice of proposal is first published. They will remain on deposit until 6 weeks after the proposed Order has been made, or a decision has been made by the authority not to proceed with the proposal.

Public objections and inquiries

Anyone may object to an order by the date specified on the notices or if later within 21 days of the notice being given. A public inquiry only has to be held in certain circumstances. Such as it affects loading and unloading at certain times or bus services.


A report with the objections is presented to local elected members. They can then make a final decision on the TRO and whether it is to be progressed to making an order.

Announcing the decision

Within 14 days of making the order the authority must place a notice in the local press announcing their decision. This is to ensure that adequate publicity is given to the making of the order. They will also write to those who objected to the proposal. They will outline the reasons for their decision to proceed. Any traffic signs required because of the order must be in place before it comes into force.

Current TROs

You can leave feedback on the current Traffic Regulation Orders.