In this section
Rent statements
If you are a landlord or financial organisation and you want a rent reference on a council tenant, send your request as follows -
- for the East and Park areas -
- for the Riverside West and Wyke Areas -
- for the Northern and Foredyke Areas -
There is no charge for this service. You must seek the tenant's permission to complete the reference. Include signed consent with the reference request. Allow 3 working days for a response.
Every council tenant receives a quarterly rent statement. We usually send these out in January, April, July and October. The statement includes transactions for the previous quarter and outstanding balances on any other accounts linked to the rent account. These can include -
- garage rent accounts
- housing benefit overpayment
- lifeline accounts
- former tenancy accounts
If you need a copy of a rent statement, contact your local housing office using the form below -