
All wild birds including pigeons, their nests and their eggs are protected by law. In certain circumstances action can be taken to control some birds.

Request a Pest Control treatment (opens in a new window)

We will respond to requests for service within 3 working days. Note, these are first response times not first visit times.

A first response may only be in the form of a telephone call.

It must also be noted that during very busy periods such as -

  • July
  • August
  • September

it may not be possible to meet these response times.

Bird flu

Avian flu has been spreading nationally over the past few weeks. It has prompted the government to put in place extra precautions.

Everyone who keeps birds must ensure they stay indoors.

Visitors to parks and public places are being asked to practice good hand hygiene around birds. Do not to touch dead birds of any kind.

Health risks to the public are low. The public are urged not to touch or pick up any dead or visibly sick birds that you find. Whist rare, it is possible for avian flu to transfer from birds to humans.

Birds which could be infected should only be handled by professionals, wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Like all variants of influenza, avian flu can be serious. This is particularly for those who are already vulnerable.

Action to be taken

Telephone Defra (Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) on 03459 335 577 if you find -

  • one or more dead birds of prey
  • 3 or more dead gulls or wild waterfowl. This includes swans, geese and ducks
  • 5 or more dead birds of any species

If you find a dead bird in one of our local parks, notify a park ranger if you are able to.

Anyone who keeps birds, must keep them indoors. This is until further notice from the government.

If you suspect bird flu in poultry or other captive birds, report it immediately. Call 03000 200 301.