Biodiversity net gain

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is an approach to planning and land management. It aims to leave the natural environment in a better state than it was before. Developers need to demonstrate that proposals deliver BNG.

New statutory planning requirements have come into force. They make Biodiversity Net Gain mandatory. These new rules apply to applications for major development submitted from Monday 12 February 2024. They will apply to most other development from Tuesday 2 April 2024.

The government has produced the biodiversity metric. Developers must use this to calculate a minimum 10% gain on the pre-development biodiversity value of a site.

The metric calculates biodiversity units based on the habitats present on site or proposed to be created. Achieving 10% net gain means fully compensating for losses of habitat on a development site. It also means going further. This is so that overall there is a gain in biodiversity units of at least 10% as a result of the development process. The mechanisms for this delivery are either - 

  • onsite units via the soft estate/green infrastructure (Sustainable Drainage Systems) or landscaping,
  • offsite units which are delivered through new habitat creation/enhancement on landholdings
  • or habitat banks or statutory credits which are only available if units are not available

There is potential to create BNG units through either enhancing Sustainable Drainage Systems on the new development, as they are required to manage flood risk, or by retrofitting Sustainable Drainage Systems on appropriate sites in the area. 

Guidance is available about using the biodiversity metric.