Building control applications

Hull Building Control Supplementary Charges

Building Control Archived Applications where over 3 years has lapsed since last site inspection

If you are selling a property that has been extended or altered, you may need to provide evidence to prospective purchasers. The evidence is that any relevant building work has been inspected and approved by Building Control. That evidence is in the form of a Building Regulations Completion Certificate.

Hull Building Control only issues Completion Certificates to homeowners or their appointed agents. For example, solicitors. Where the council is not told that building work has been completed, a certificate is not issued. If the building is occupied without addressing outstanding Building Regulation matters, no certificate will be issued. Many homeowners and builders who take on building works fail to request a Completion Certificate. Their application is archived. 

A fee is payable to re-open archived building regulations applications. This is for the purposes of issuing a Completion Certificate.

We will not be able to re-open archived building regulation applications deposited before 1st January 2000.

Description Charge including VAT
Description: Process request to re-open archived building control file, carry out one site inspection, resolve case and issue completion certificate, if applicable. Charge including VAT: £75

Note that if, more site inspections are required, this may incur extra charges.

Building control

Telephone: 01482 300 300