Home appreciation loans can help you to pay for essential repairs and other urgent work that affects your health and safety. The home appreciation loan is not a grant. It is an equity release loan which is secured against your property. It is to enable you to live in a warm comfortable home and make essential repairs and improvements.
There are no repayments to make until you no longer live in or own your home. A surveyor will assess your needs and then help you with the application process.
The minimum loan amount is £2,000 and the maximum amount is normally £30,000.
To qualify for a loan, you must normally be a homeowner and -
- aged 18 or over
- be on a low income or in receipt of certain benefits
- unable to access a commercial loan
- have a power or duty to carry out the works
- there is enough equity in the property
- live in the property
For more information on how to apply, contact us by one of the following methods -
Telephone - 01482 300 300
Email - Private.Housing@hullcc.gov.uk
HS-Private Housing Section
Hull City Council
The Home Appreciation Loan Leaflet.
Even if you are not eligible for a Home Appreciation Loan, you may still be eligible for the Homecheque Scheme.