Renting, Help to Rent

Further information

How to get accommodation in the private rented sector

Private rented homes can offer lots of different types and sizes homes in Hull. It can be quicker to get a home that is rented privately as there are no waiting lists.

You can find a private rented home by looking on the internet. Search for 'private landlords' or 'letting agents in Hull'. You could also visit a local letting agent for more information and homes to rent.

Help with a bond or deposit

If you are homeless or threatened with homelessness, we may be able to help you with a bond or deposit. If you need any more help call us on 01482 300 300 or visit a Customer Service Centre.

Problems paying your rent

You may qualify for benefits to help you pay your rent. Find out more about where you can get support and applying for housing benefit. There is more about managing your money, debt and other finance matters on our help with debt and money page.

Landlord harassment and threats of illegal eviction

Harassment is anything your landlord does to deliberately disrupt your home life or make you leave your home. Harassment can also be done by someone else, such as a family member or friend of your landlord.

Examples of harassment include -

  • cutting off your gas
    • electricity
    • water supply
  • violence or the threat of violence
  • opening your mail
  • taking things from your home
  • harassment because of your gender
    • race
    • sexuality
  • coming into your home without your permission
    • without notice
    • at unsocial hours

Harassment is a criminal offence, and you should report this. If you think you are being harassed, write down what happened and when. Find out more information on harassment on GOV.UK.

Harassment can sometimes lead to your landlord making you leave your home illegally. Your landlord should always give you correct notice and follow the legal process to end your tenancy.

You can find out more about landlords making you leave your home illegally on the Shelter website.

Find information on what we can do to deal with rogue landlords.

Dealing with Issues

If you want to make a complaint about a landlord or agent, get in touch with them directly first.

If your landlord refuses to do a repair for you, get in touch with us by using our online enquiry form above. If informal action does not resolve the issue, we can escalate the complaint by using enforcement procedures.

If your landlord is bothering you at home or harassing you, check the Shelter website for guidance. Or consider contacting the police.